Is there any life on Mars ??

The question that has been asked for a long time and until now, and we have not been able to answer it, is: Can we live outside the planet on which we were born, which is Planet Earth?
In fact, several years ago, our ancestors were not able to travel to space, and the idea of living outside their planet was not a serious matter.
But now physicists, life scientists and others are discussing with great interest the possibility of life outside Earth.
And maybe
Living on Mars, which is very similar to Earth, is our first choice, as it is very similar to Earth compared to the rest of the planets in the solar system.
In this article, we will discuss the possibility of living on Mars and building colonies there
In addition to what it takes to live on that red planet and other matters related to that, so read on to learn more about living on Mars.
So we must get to know
Secrets and facts about the planet Mars
The possibility of life on Mars is a topic of great interest in astrobiology due to Mars’ proximity and similarity to Earth.
Suitable temperature:
We find that Mars has a thin atmosphere, and because it is far from the sun, it is colder than Earth, with average temperatures around -60 degrees Celsius (below zero).
From this point forward, no evidence has been found of the existence of past or present life on Mars.
But now accumulating evidence indicates that the ancient surface environment of Mars contained water and that it may have been suitable for bacteria to live.
There is a question: Are there countless living organisms that do not need oxygen?
Bacteria, for example, do not need it, and some herbs and algae grow abundantly under the skin and tens of degrees below zero degrees.
This is evident in the Arctic and also in the mountain peaks.
What if bacteria were found on Mars?
Scientists have conducted experiments on bacteria in an atmosphere that is completely similar to the atmosphere of Mars in terms of the thinness of the gaseous atmosphere, weak gravity, low temperature, and low levels of nitrogen and other gasses. Their growth was frightening, and this growth truly inspires fear.
Because if these bacteria are transmitted with spaceships or astronauts in the future, their horrific spread will be an astronomical catastrophe.
If these microscopic organisms moved to Mars or moved from it, we would not be able to do anything about them, and life might have ended on Mars or on other planets, and we would know the cause of these epidemics that occurred millions of years ago.
Suitable atmosphere:
The Earth’s atmosphere consists mainly of nitrogen and oxygen, which is suitable for living organisms.
There are also factors that affect the climate of Mars, such as the presence of ice caps, water vapor, and dust storms on its surface. In addition, approximately 95% of Mars’ atmosphere consists of carbon dioxide.
The existence of habitable conditions does not necessarily mean the existence of life.
Mars is nothing but a barren desert, and the atmosphere of Mars has a small percentage of oxygen and nitrogen, and its temperature is cold at all times of the day and night together.
Comparison between the atmosphere of Mars and Earth.
In the atmosphere of Mars, there are 3% of the nitrogen necessary for life, along with carbon, while the atmosphere of Earth contains 75% of oxygen and 23% of nitrogen. But does the lack of nitrogen and oxygen in the atmosphere of Mars mean the absence of life of any kind?
Is nitrogen or oxygen necessary for there to be life?
Is heat itself necessary for life?
Atmospheric pressure:
Atmospheric pressure on the surface of Mars ranges from one percent to one thousandth of the atmospheric pressure on Earth.
This pressure is too low to allow humans to live on Mars, nor does it allow liquid water to exist on its surface
Electromagnetic radiation:
The human body needs the presence of electromagnetic rays with appropriate wavelengths to function properly and remain alive, and it is also damaged by the presence of harmful electromagnetic rays in high quantities.
The planet Mars is full of ultraviolet rays, and these rays are so harmful to the human body that they do not allow life there is, too.
Liquid water:
It is impossible for liquid water to exist on the surface of Mars due to the harsh conditions, and the amount of frozen water present there is small compared to the amount of water present on planet Earth, so we will have to take liquid water there or devise a suitable way to make it.
He also notes that living on Mars is not possible without rehabilitation or building colonies that provide life requirements for humans
Living on Mars is impossible to achieve in the next ten years, as we have not yet been able to send an astronaut there
Then why is the atmosphere of Mars not suitable for rational life or advanced life of any kind?
It is certain that Mars receives intense cosmic radiation, and the gaseous atmosphere of Mars is not a protective shield for living things like the Earth’s atmosphere.
Then, the Earth’s weak gravity towards Mars makes it difficult to find liquid water on it, and therefore ice must be under the Martian crust.
Of these explosions that occur inside the sun, only one twenty thousand of those that reach Mars reach Earth
This makes life difficult or impossible on Mars, but such a statement is neither accurate nor scientific. Why?
Because we measure the possibility of life and its impossibility by human standards, that is, what is suitable for us and what is not suitable for us.
But who said: What is good for man is what is good for all other beings?
Whoever said that man is the only being in this universe and that what we live and die by is what other beings we know and do not know live and die by.
There is, for example, the amoeba, which is the smallest of the living gelatinous formations, and it is eternal, that is, it never dies, even though it is the beginning of all creatures and also the most despicable. Moreover, the pigs were not killed by the atomic radiation left behind by the explosions of small atomic bombs in the Bikini Islands.
So living on Mars at the present time is closer to fantasy than reality.
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