Cursed Towns You Should Never Enter !! – Chapter One

introduction : A mysterious town that caused hallucinations to its people and another town on top of a mountain that disappeared but left a mysterious lake full of skeletons there even a cursed town full of witches that left us a mark a huge circle where nothing grows and were most paranormal phenomena have occurred these are just some of strange places you are about to visit .
Biringan City : Many say they have seen it others claim to have been attracted by it , its the mysterious city of Biringan which is supposed to be located between Gandora And Samar in the province of the Philipsens , fishermen and adventures who claim to have seen it declare that while sailing they got lost and reached the shore of a strange city surround it by gigantic black skyscrapers different from anything we already know and they also claimed to have felt a strange desire to run a ground on its coast but out of fear they have not done so
However , Many have said that the same thing happened to them but that in fact they reached their shores or found their way and followed it without being able to avoid it those declared that they enter almost a state of trans by entities known as Elementals or Ingantos some tall and bright beings who upon finding humans wandering near one of the seven portals that give access to the city kidnap them in the most passive and strange way known and the reason ? simply to show them the city to cure Hunger and illness
one of the seven entry portals is the famous Bermuda tringle other account claim that in reality only a person consciousness can travel to the city thus leaving their bodies behind in the physical world in , in fact locals believe that Biringan Occupies a space that is more Ethereal than physical , however this ghostly city is not easily revealed to prying eyes its only shown to those who are invited by forces beyond human understanding stories about many fishermen who while sailing in the sea under the moonlight witness the city’s scene in all its splendor in an image that defies all logic and reason with that same beautiful view that leave them in the apparent state of trans but that is not all !!
there are stories where strange deliveries have been registered from Manila and Sabu with addresses to the city of Biringan , trucks full of constructions materials paid for by people who as incredible as it may sound had died a long time ago shipments that undertook a long journey towards a destination that only Existed in the collective imaginations of the locals
it is said that when a truck driver realized that Biringan is not a tangible place that there is no map that takes them there they returned to their cities of origin completely confused because OfCourse they had just been participants in a paranormal phenomena without a doubt an enigma that refuses to be completely deciphered whether a collective fantasy or real place that defies understanding Biringan remains a beacon of mystery amidst the vast and enigmatic Filipino tradition
Bennington Tringle : Another inexplicable place in the world lies in the so-called Bennington Tringle geographical area in the southwest of the state of Vermont – united states which has been associated with a serious of mysteries and unsolved disappearances over the years
for example we have the case of Midi Rivers a 74- years- old man who disappeared while hunting on November 12th 1945 on the way back the man walked ahead of the group and was never seen again the only thing that was found of him was a cartridge from his rifle obviously fired from his gun , the reason no one knows and the strangest thing of all i that the man was an experienced hunter and was familiar with the area .
we also have the case of Paula Walden A young student who disappeared in the same place in 1946 – the reward of 5000 $ still stands since no one has been able to find her yet , 3 years after this incident James Tedford Disappears he came from seeing his family and his bus was driving through the road of this forest According to witnesses the man was still on the bus at the last stop before reaching Bennington somewhere between the last stop in this forest he disappeared , his belongings were still on the bus and so on with another couple of no less strange disappearances there were so many that it was considered that something Evil was running through this large area.
However a post from 2024 On Reddite could contain answers to all these disappearances , you see in that post a young adventurer shared his story of how together with friends they had planned to go hiking in this mysterious place excited they set out for this montane region ready to explore the unknown following a winding path they ascended hills and valleys having no idea that their fate would be stranger that they had ever imagined as they advanced the nature around them became increasingly dense and gloomy as if somehow that had been a warning sign og the disconcerting phenomena that will occur later
Suddenly and after making several sharp turns and walking where there was not even a path they noticed a perfect circle of trees that seemed to have been arranged deliberately as if they marked an entrance to another world , intrigued and full of curiosity the group decided to enter that circle as they advanced through the dark forest they realized that the atmosphere became even more disturbing , the forest seemed to be charged with an inexplicable energy and the feeling that something was not right began to grow inside them
However in less than 10 minutes after crossing that circle they reached a clearing what they discovered there left them completely perplexed and scared in front of them was a small village in a state of disrepair that suggested it had been abandoned for decades , the houses built in a style similar to that of the Amish community were overgrown with moss and neglected hanging cloths swung in the wind and old tools lay on the ground , the village seemed to have been frozen in time as if its inhabitants had disappeared over night leaving behind their possessions in their daily lives but the most disturbing thing was the total absence of any human being
as it already getting dark the group felt increasingly uncomfortable and decide it to quickly leave the place but not before swearing to each other to return the next day , However when they returned and reached the place where they had seen that strange circle of trees they were astonished for it had inexplicably disappeared completely as if it had never been there , they searched for the entrance for hours but could not find it the experience left all the adventurers with more questions than answers in the abandoned village in the heart of the Bennington Tringle emerged as another enigma of this place
could this mysterious village and the people who perhaps live there be responsible for those disappearances ?? Hopefully One day we will know !!